12 November, 2014

Leading Events of the English Civil War

The Reformation was echoing throughout Europe far after it's beginning in 16th century Europe. Years of religious wars resounded in France, Germany, Italy, England, and others, causing both internal and international struggles. The tensions of the Reformation created another dimension of political association and distance, Protestant vs. Catholic. This became the focus of diplomacy and war, the struggle between political views often correlated with a religious overtone. When England was finally beginning to make a change in direction from Catholicism (most evident in the creation of the Church of England by Henry VIII), James I violently brought England back to old Catholic ways by his promotion of divine right of kings and absolute monarchy. This drastic shift was only made worse by his son Charles I who demanded money and power from Parliament. Anglicans and Puritans were constantly reminded of each others flaws during this time with the aid of interference from Spain, Scotland, and France and eventually broke out into the English Civil War. 

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