17 December, 2013

Beowulf Pastiche

So it was fate that had brought Grendel down
and future-cast at work in man’s victory.
But the hell homed demon was not alone and the only
a victim of fate for all are given such an affliction
as breath-cease serves both the hero and the horn rigged monster.
Soon it will be our hero’s duty and turn to submit to death;
forced by fate to give up glorious victory.
The warrior who breathes heavily one morn
will only rot in the earth the rest, reason to their notorious names “earth-dwellers”,
men and women descend to the very dust-slime they ascend from.
What great shield-clash there must be between mortals
two warriors fight to enjoy life’s honey-taste for a while longer,
they only postpone a day doomed to come, pointless to avoid.
In a battle’s fierce-cry frenzy any man may believe, even if for a moment
he is beyond the long-grasp of fate, an immortal god.
Almighty God surely determines who dies and lives,
who takes a seat in victory or stands in shameful loss,
a man’s worth is only determined after gracious God determines his end.
Vengeance is justice-made mourning, an exchange considered:
blood for tears, blades for pyres, war-galleys for burial ships.
Man’s fate must play out, it must eventually bring him to breath-cease,
vengeance troubles the wicked wyrd, tears only fulfill its desire.
Each glorious victory only means the earth-dweller one thing,

a glorious death escaped once is a humiliating death to be expected.

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