20 June, 2014

Summary of Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy

Boethius, when writing this work, is imprisoned and in line to be executed for conspiring with the Eastern Roman Empire by King Theodoric the Great. As a philosopher, being accused of conspiracy is not uncommon, and much like Socrates (through Plato's writings), Boethius to inspect why this is the case.

The work begins with the scene of Boethius on his deathbed, waiting to die (or in reality, be executed). He describes himself being very ill and his symptoms correspond with severe political depression. As he lies in turmoil, Muses begin to comfort him through song, and then ultimately, Lady Philosophy (an embodiment of all philosophical thought and Truth) gives him a "cure" through reason.

Through a long socratic dialogue with Lady Philosophy, Boethius is cured. Lady Philosophy reassures him that he has been imprisoned because of evil in the world. However, ultimately, fate, reason, providence, and God hold all things together through a cosmic order that is unknown to humans. 

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