16 October, 2014

Second Shepherd's Play Response Questions

11. How do the shepherds punish Mak for his thievery?

The shepherds originally decide to slay the pathetic creature they have caught. Instead, and much more mercifully, they roll him up into a large sheet of canvas and beat him with rods until they are out of breath.

14. What gifts do the shepherds bring the Christ-child?

After coming to the Christ-child, they begin to both exalt him combined with adoring his cute child features. After doing this each of the shepherds present him with a gift. Coll presents him with a bob of cherries, Gib presents him with a bird, and finally, Daw presents him with a ball to play Tennis.

18. Discuss the use and effect of anachronism in the play?

Anachronism is used inaccurately in the play to further be clearer in what the author is trying to state. The author uses anachronistic phrases not for the sake of inaccuracy, but rather to avoid the use of unknown and unacknowledged contemporary terms. The author does this to be clear with his audience, not an audience that would’ve been present at Christ’s time.

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