12 September, 2013

Augustine's Confessions: In My Own Words

How shortsighted am I, oh God, that I am unable to foresee the plans You have before me. You whose judgement is flawless, whose precepts are more precious than the purest gold, sweeter than the honey from the honeycomb. When I reveled in the ignorance of my own humanity, You sat in silence, overlooking my stupidity, but now I am called to repent. Even though You said, oh Lord, “There is a time and a way for everything” I am called to repent to the one who shows light to man. Why is it that man is ignorant to the ways of God? For what cause is man blind to the God that looks down from heaven upon mankind? Is it according to his own folly? God what do You endlessly search for? Men with whom You are pleased? Or is it truly any man who searches for You? Oh God, how foolish was I when I searched for answers rather than You, the provider! From where does my help come? My help truly and surely comes from the Lord, maker of Heaven and Earth.
It was upon the departure from my last home, the home from which I was called away. I was Jonah in my comfortable place. But then You, oh God, called me from my place! While my heart fled toward Tarshish, You called me back into obedience, which in turn leads to righteousness, to where I considered a Ninevah. But I was not called to help, nor was I being punished, despite my current thinking. I was blinded to Your Love by my own folly! What acts You made in love, because You are Love, oh God, I interpreted as punishment. But it was certainly not for punishment that You called me. For now, I see Your goodness through You commands, the Love You abundantly poured out for me. To where You sent me, I was further able to develop as a human of You. You gave me opportunity, which I so ungratefully rejected. It was by genuine Love that You forced me into discomfort. And it was through discomfort that I was brought into understanding. 
Now God, I see the righteousness of Your ways, and I give thanks! While in my blinding ignorance I refused the gifts You so lovingly gave, I now try to express the gratitude to match the extent of Your grace! Come, mankind, and see what God has done for me, his awesome deeds he extends also to you all! But still yet, oh God, we are still blind to Your ways, and revel in the darkness of our ignorance.

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