05 September, 2012

Summary of Tablet III and IV

Tablet III starts with Gilgamesh addressing the people of Uruk. He tells them that he plans to go to the Cedar Forest with Enkidu and defeat the monster Humbaba. Gilgamesh, after preparing for his quest to the Cedar Forest to defeat Humbaba, goes to his mother Nínsun for a blessing. Nínsun is distraught, worrying that Gilgamesh will never return. She goes up to the god Shamash, begging him to help her son and Enkidu with the battle. She goes to Shamash in ornamented dress with incenses. They all participate in an number of religious activities, praising the god Shamash. She wishes her son and Enkidu farewell. The two also consult the elders, partially for permission. Gilgamesh instructs the elders on how to rule while he is absent. While leaving the city, they ask for the young men's blessing. 
In Tablet IV, they begin their long and dangerous journey. Enkidu is still very unsure of the perilousness of this journey. Gilgamesh continues to encourage Enkidu through the journey. Gilgamesh has several dreams during their journey, Enkidu tries to interpret them. Enkidu is also shown building camps along the way for them to rest in. These camps serve as "Dream Houses" for Gilgamesh to dream in. In these ways, Gilgamesh and Enkidu develop their friendship.


  1. The scene between Ninsun and Shamash is intriguing. We see the hierarchical structure of the governance of the gods. How might this be significant in relation to systems of government in the historical context of the Babylonian poet?

    Why do you think Enkidu voices caution about the coming quest? Is this fear or wisdom? I like your observations regarding the development of the friendship. Why do you think the theme of friendship is important in the narrative? What is its function?

    I don't think you included your book IV summary here?

    1. I have added several details to my summary of Tablet IV, please tell me if this is still insufficient.
