11 September, 2012

Summary of Tablet VI

In Tablet VI, Gilgamesh and Enkidu had just returned from their quest to defeat Humbaba. Ishtar, patron deity of Uruk and daughter of Anu, comes to Gilgamesh in order to be his bride. Her attraction to Gilgamesh was triggered by his heroic deed of defeating Humbaba in the Cedar Forest. Gilgamesh declines Ishtar's offer and enrages her. She asks the "higher" gods for a wild bull to cause havoc across the land and to kill Gilgamesh. This bull caused a devastating drought throughout the land. But together, Gilgamesh and Enkidu were able to defeat it, offering it to a god. Gilgamesh and Enkidu are considered the bravest men in the land.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What do you make of Gilgamesh's refusal of the goddess. What does this say about his character? Is it "wise" to refuse a deity? In the context of his refusal of Ishtar, what significance does his defeat of the bull of heaven (along with Enkidu) hold?

    --these are just questions to think about--you do not need to respond (unless, you want to, of course!)
