24 April, 2014

Close Encounters with Farinata (Canto X)

In Canto X of Inferno, Dante and Virgil still travel through the sixth circle of hell, where all heretics dwell. As the two walk through the graves intersecting their path, Dante pauses at one. Here, lies Dante's political enemy, Farinata degli Uberti, a ghibelline. The two figures recognise each other, but unfamiliar of what context, both present their ancestry. As soon as their backgrounds are established, tension arises between the two as they argue and defend their respective political parties.

This growingly tense argument is quickly interrupted by Cavalcante d'Cavalcanti, father of Dante's close friend, Guido Cavalcanti. He desperately asks Dante what became of Guido. Dante begins to respond, but hastily Cavalcante assumes Dante said that Guido died, and in pure desolation, descends back into his grave. The character introduces the righteous value of family in contrast to Farinata's value and obsession with political stature. 

Farinata and Dante continue their discussion. Even though the two political figures are enemies, they demonstrate a degree of respect for each other. Farinata and Dante have something in common, they both valued the city of Florence over their own political career. Farinata sacrificed his in order to salvage Florence from being "leveled", Dante refers to Farinata as "defender of Florence". However, both characters imply the irrelevance of Florentine politics in relation to their current position in hell.

Virgil summons Dante to continue on their journey.

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