18 September, 2014

AP Euro History Multiple Choice Questions 1

1. c.
Christian Catholicism existed practically all over Europe before the Italian Renaissance. For this reason, and the fact that Italy had all the other advantages, religion was the exception for their reason for initiation of the Renaissance.

2. d.
Italian Renaissance society focussed on the development of the individual through education, adaption of classical antiquity, and religion, which is included in all the mentioned studies besides D.

3. e.
Renaissance humanism focussed on the opposite of all mentioned besides 'e.'. Though humanism is the deemphasis of scholasticism, it still appreciated it for what it was.

4. b.
Neoplatonists is the only group listed that is associated with a 'belief'-system.

5. b.
While the invasions from the French may have introduced the French to a new art culture, it only hindered the Renaissance art achievements.

6. a.
The Treaty of Lodi is the only event that crippled foreigner from seeing the Italian Renaissance by inhibiting their ability to enter the Italian peninsula.

7. d.
This choice was the only choice that is specifically an attribute to Renaissance art, most of the others could apply to other art movements as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Sponge Bob cartoon! We will review questions above together.
