16 September, 2014

Response Question from the Excerpt of Margery Kempe

1. How does the biographical information given about Margery Kempe in the introduction inform your reading of her accounts?

There are three very important biographical details outlined in Margery Kempe's introduction in the NAEL. Firstly, that she experienced a severe mental breakdown that may have precipitated her many recurring spiritual visions. Secondly, that she was never able to read or write and was illiterate, meaning she used a scribe to dictate her text and that all she knew of the Bible was from an oral tradition or her presumed visions. Thirdly, that she was the daughter of the mayor that, in addition to her proclamation of faith, may have protected her from contemporary accusations of heresy. These facts are very important in not only analysing the legitimacy behind her claims, but also the people she affected through them.

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