07 September, 2012

Summary of Tablet V

Tablet V starts with Gilgamesh and Enkidu preparing to enter the Cedar Forest, they stand and stare awfully its magnificence and frightening stature. The forest itself seems like sanctuary for Humbaba, as they are both able to smell incense floating in the air. As they enter, Gilgamesh pours flour on the ground as a sacrifice to Shamash (Sun-god), asking him to come to him in a dream for consul. Enkidu and Gilgamesh set up some sort of structure to protect them from the weather. That night Gilgamesh has a dream in which he and Enkidu are walking through some sort of valley. A mountain suddenly falls into the valley and the two die. After Gilgamesh told Enkidu about his dream, Enkidu assured him that the dream's prophesy was to their benefit. They both continue through the forest. Gilgamesh has yet another dream in which he is attacked and conquered by a wild bull, again, Enkidu interprets this as beneficial to them. 
Gilgamesh and Enkidu finally reach Humbaba, and with divine help, achieve the upper-hand. As Humbaba is on the ground under Gilgamesh and Enkidu's blade, Humbaba begins to beg for the sparing of his own life, praising Gilgamesh; mocking Enkidu. Gilgamesh kills Humbaba, bringing his head with them on their way back to Uruk via the river. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your comment about the forest seeming like a sanctuary for Humbaba! Their reliance on and almost need for the dream offers a unique insight into "ways of knowing" and "ways of telling" at work in the culture.
