12 September, 2012

Summary of Tablet VII

Tablet VII immediately begins with Enkidu having a prophetic dream, involving a conversation between the deities. Anu is enraged by Gilgamesh and Enkidu's successful attempts to kill Humbaba, cut down the tallest cedar in the Forest, and to kill the Wild Bull. The deities resolve to have one of the two die and it's settles that it is to be Enkidu. Shamash desperately tries to defend Enkidu, but is silenced by the greater gods. Enkidu falls ill, Gilgamesh is heartbroken. Enkidu goes through an interesting phase in which he begins to curse the way in which he came into his circumstances. He curses the hunter that hired Shamhat, and curses Shamhat herself for seducing him into the city. Shamash tells Enkidu that he should be thankful for Shamhat, he agrees and blesses her instead. After Enkidu has another prophetic dream of Gilgamesh's fate, he dies shortly after.

1 comment:

  1. Good summary, Luke. What do you make of his cursing of his circumstances? What might this reaction signify?
