18 September, 2012

Summary of Tablet VIII

Gilgamesh is crushed when he begins to except the fact that his friend is dead. He mourns bitterly over Enkidu's body and refuses to give up his body for burial. He calls upon the people of Uruk, who he helped, to mourn Enkidu's death. He makes references to nature when talking of Enkidu's life. Gilgamesh also reflets on all the things he and Enkidu did together. This tablet shows how deep Gilgamesh and Enkidu's relationship was.


  1. Do you think Gilgamesh's grief is excessive? Does it display "wisdom", or does he still have much to learn. What has Gilgamesh learned so far through his relationship with Enkidu?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Gilgamesh hasn't yet come to realize that mortality is inevitable. He is unaware that Enkidu is destined to die, as Gilgamesh is himself.
